



Check with your school to see if they are going to place the request on your behalf prior to submitting your request. Clinical Rotation requests will be reviewed by our team to ensure that an affiliation with your school exists. Once that has been verified the student coordinator will send you information about onboarding.  



  • 刑事及虐待儿童背景调查的通关文件(子线应用
  • 系统补丁 (我们使用的背景调查机构) 
  • 免疫接种证明  
    • 请提交MMR、水痘、HepB和Tdap疫苗接种证明. (Tdap必须在10年内)所有免疫必须有名称, 出生日期, 免疫的名字, 批号, 政府的日期, 管理员签名. 实验室文件是唯一可接受的效价验证形式. 实验文件必须有学生的名字, 出生日期, 测试日期, 结果, 测试机构的名称和联系信息. 
    • Two Step PPD (one within 12 months and the second within 90 days of start of rotation) OR QuantiFERON Gold or Chest X-Ray



Troy community hospital level two clinical program offers students the opportunity to learn in a 25 bed rural critical access hospital.  During their rotation students will have the opportunity to provide care for  Acute care, 秋千床和门诊病人.  这种设置提供了一对一的监督.  This site allows for communication between providers to best provider care for these patients secondary to the smaller bed capacity and  onsite availability of medical providers with daily rounding on patients in the acute care and swing bed setting.   为了确保在该设施的安置,必须满足所有要求, including a N95 fit test and direct communication with the facilities Inpatient Occupational therapy student coordinator with an assigned preceptor.  Any questions regarding placement please call ( 570) 887-4808 and leave a message for the Inpatient Occupational therapy student coordinator or email 梅丽莎.sherman@limitlessdj.com.   


The Guthrie Health Care Speech and Language Pathology team at Robert Packer Hospital offers the opportunity for 2 and 4 month graduate student externships for students to complete the required clinical supervised experience. 

The extern will be provided opportunities to evaluate and treat both inpatients and outpatients presenting with dysphagia, 儿童/成人言语和语言障碍, 认知障碍, and voice disorders under the direction of a licensed speech and language pathologist. 

Exposure to the use and benefits of specialized instrumentation including Modified Barium Swallows, Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of the Swallow  (FEES) and Videostroboscopies are an integral part of this opportunity.  Accepted students will complete their externships with a comprehensive understanding of medical speech pathology components of care.  欢迎有意者透过以下连结提出申请. 

The 医学化验学 program combines a high caliber education with a state-of-the-art learning environment to provide a 50-week internship, 在3-4年的大学学习之后. 顺利完成实习后, the student receives a baccalaureate degree from their affiliated university and a certificate in Clinical Laboratory Sciences from the Program.

放射学技术项目是全日制的, 两年制应用科学副学士学位课程. It is a collaborative program with The Commonwealth University of 宾西法尼亚/ Mansfield University’s Department of Health and Exercise Sciences. 学生们在曼斯菲尔德的大学校园度过第一学期, PA, and the remaining three semesters plus two summer sessions at Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA, 他们在哪里完成课堂和临床经验.

曼斯菲尔德大学呼吸治疗项目是全日制的, 四年, 理学士(BS)学位课程. It is a collaborative program with Mansfield University’s Department of Health Sciences and Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital.   学生们在曼斯菲尔德的校园里度过头两年, 完成课程的先决条件和通识教育课程. 

Guthrie offers clinical rotations to nurse practitioner students who are matriculated in a CCNE accredited institution. Rotating students at Guthrie have the opportunity to become an active member of our medical team, 参加教学和会议, 记录病人的病史, 进行身体检查, 并协助在手术室或其他程序.

Guthrie offers clinical rotations to physician assistant students who are matriculated in an ARC-PA accredited institution. Rotating students at Guthrie have the opportunity to become an active member of our medical team, 参加教学和会议, 记录病人的病史, 进行身体检查, 并协助在手术室或其他程序. 

The Mansfield University 护理程序 offers a baccalaureate degree in nursing science (BSN) and is affiliated with the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, 宾西法尼亚.  护理计划是由宾夕法尼亚州护理委员会批准的, 并获得护理教育认证委员会(ACEN)的认可.  BSN学位为学生在各种专业环境中工作做好准备. 

Did you know that Guthrie offers multiple career opportunities that you can take advantage of while in nursing school? Whether you are a freshman or a senior nursing student looking for that perfect position as a newly licensed registered nurse after graduation, Guthrie has a variety of programs to prepare you for a successful career in nursing.

The 世界博彩公司十大排名的学者 program is designed to give qualified seniors at Wilkes University who are interested in pursuing medicine the opportunity to earn 15 credits while gaining first hand knowledge of the life of a physician.

世界博彩公司十大排名的社区培训中心为员工提供多种课程, 在第一时间作出回应, 公众. 我们的目标是让你得到工作所需的培训, 帮助社区, 拯救生命(甚至是你自己的生命).

Guthrie’s 行政奖学金计划 is a two-year post graduate program provided to a recent graduate of an accredited MHA, 工商管理硕士, 或MSN程序

Guthrie’s 行政实习计划 is a 10 week assignment which allows for students in an accredited MHA, 工商管理硕士, 或MSN程序的实践经验.